Ron's RV7 Aircraft Factory

Welcome to my personal blog. This site was created as an informal description of my build progress in the construction of a Van's RV7 aircraft. A place where family/friends/builders/curiosity seekers can follow along. It is not intended to be a detailed description of every step in the building process as that would be much too time consuming. There are plenty of sites that do a great job in that arena, that is not my intention with this site. My intention is for this to be a philisophical/motivational/inspirational account of the emotional ups and downs of the life changing journey...and it will change your life. I hope this will give you an idea, through my eyes, of what its like to make this transformation. A note to other builders, I am not an expert so do not put your safety at risk by attempting anything you see on this site until you have done your own research, or send me an email so we can discuss it. Any deviations from the plans are not approved, nor endorsed by Van's Aircraft or myself. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, March 31, 2014

No Airspeed??

During flights 1 and 2, as I mentioned in previous posts, I had no airspeed indication. It read zero for most of the flight duration. On the second flight, when I was much more calm, I seen the airspeed come alive on takeoff roll...and then go to zero about the time I left the ground (verified from video). When I slowed to do some slow flickered alive again, but it was clearly not reading correctly. It was reading 25-30 kts.
If you're reading along, hopefully what I've described has made the lightbulb go off in your head as to what my problem was. This is what I high AoA's, the airspeed came alive...but was not reading properly. At low AoA' went to zero. That, coupled with the fact that I have a Dynon pitot system should solve the mystery.
The Dynon pitot, for those unaware, has two functions. One, the obvious airspeed, and two is AoA. I suspected that I had these two lines crossed up. A call to Dynon pretty much confirmed it. I was told they had a batch of pitot's go out that were mislabeled...bam, that's my bogey!
Once I had that information, I spent about five minutes (I love five minute fixes) swapping the two lines at the pitot. Put the inspection cover back on and decided to test the fix.
After my first two flights, of approximately 1 hr 45 mins circling above the airport, I figured for flight #3 I was ready to venture away from the nest. There are plenty of open fields in my northern flight path in case of trouble. So flight 3 was a short 30 minute flight to verify my airspeed fix and get away from the airport for the first time.
Airspeed was now, indeed, working. But it seems to be reading about 11-12 kts slower than my groundspeed. I realize groundspeed can and is certainly different than indicated airspeed in a lot of cases. But even in a no wind situation...they don't match. I had it checked for leaks before getting my airworthiness...but maybe I need to check again? Scratching my head on this one.
Other than that, another successful flight in the books. We are off and running now, it was great to get away from the airport. One thing to note, if you think that once you start're done, you're being naïve. I am learning phase I has plenty of bugs to work through. The plane is not "done" yet...this is normal.


  1. Hey Ron, I noticed on my Dynon Pitot Tube that the locations of the Airspeed vs AOA tubes were reversed from what Dynon indicated in the instructions. This could have been your case too. The only reason I corrected this before first flight was I just happened to blow through the tube with my finger over what I thought was Pitot and ended up being the other one. So anyway, might be worth posting this on VAF in case others run across the same problem. Flying with no airspeed especially on first flights has to add to the butterflies. ;-) - Thx

  2. Yep, that was precisely the culprit! I wish I would've caught it sooner like you did. :)
