Ron's RV7 Aircraft Factory

Welcome to my personal blog. This site was created as an informal description of my build progress in the construction of a Van's RV7 aircraft. A place where family/friends/builders/curiosity seekers can follow along. It is not intended to be a detailed description of every step in the building process as that would be much too time consuming. There are plenty of sites that do a great job in that arena, that is not my intention with this site. My intention is for this to be a philisophical/motivational/inspirational account of the emotional ups and downs of the life changing journey...and it will change your life. I hope this will give you an idea, through my eyes, of what its like to make this transformation. A note to other builders, I am not an expert so do not put your safety at risk by attempting anything you see on this site until you have done your own research, or send me an email so we can discuss it. Any deviations from the plans are not approved, nor endorsed by Van's Aircraft or myself. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Finishing the Job

Saturday, April 11th happens to be my birthday. 47 years young! Wow, how times flies eh? To celebrate this occasion I am delivering a talk at an entrepreneurial success summit about "finishing." The topic of discussion will be what its like to tackle, and ultimately finish a monumental challenge like building an airplane. Definitely a topic I know a little something about. I will offer my tips on what helped me through the nearly five year process. Finally, I will share what it "looks" like to finish, documenting the incredible flying adventures we have had in the last year. As I put together the content for this, I was sort of amazed how many fun things we did with the airplane last year. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next year. 

I also welcome the opportunity to share our amazing homebuilt aircraft community with a group of mostly non-pilots. I think we sometimes lose track of the fact that a lot of people think what we do--building and flying our own airplanes, is pretty amazing. My hats off to all of you out there building...or flying your creations, that is an amazing accomplishment and its ok to pat yourself on the back, you've earned it. Hopefully my talk will inspire them to follow their own dreams, whatever they may be. I'll share some of the content and my insights with you when it is over. Until then, keep pounding rivets (KPR)!

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