Ron's RV7 Aircraft Factory

Welcome to my personal blog. This site was created as an informal description of my build progress in the construction of a Van's RV7 aircraft. A place where family/friends/builders/curiosity seekers can follow along. It is not intended to be a detailed description of every step in the building process as that would be much too time consuming. There are plenty of sites that do a great job in that arena, that is not my intention with this site. My intention is for this to be a philisophical/motivational/inspirational account of the emotional ups and downs of the life changing journey...and it will change your life. I hope this will give you an idea, through my eyes, of what its like to make this transformation. A note to other builders, I am not an expert so do not put your safety at risk by attempting anything you see on this site until you have done your own research, or send me an email so we can discuss it. Any deviations from the plans are not approved, nor endorsed by Van's Aircraft or myself. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, October 14, 2013

World Record Formation Flight! HOBBS 2260.0 hrs

If you've been under a rock (or just too busy building) and haven't heard, this past weekend, 49 RV's flew in formation over Arrowhead Stadium for the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Oakland Raiders football game for breast cancer awareness. Of course, because of the cause, with pink wingtip smoke! 
It was a world record for the largest civilian formation flight, easily besting the 37 that flew over Oshkosh several years back. I had a handful of personal friends who flew in this, including at least a couple Rocky Mountain Renegades. Here is a great behind the scenes look at getting the formation "dressed" (or in position) right before going over the stadium.
Who would've ever thought, in this litigious age we live in, we would ever see 49 homebuilt planes flying over a packed football stadium?! The horror of airplanes built by amateurs in a garage flying over women and children! I'm only half joking...I never thought I would see something like this. Only the RV line of aircraft could even be considered for such a thing, because of the well proven design and numbers flying...nice work Van, your creation has officially arrived. Hats off to all the pilots, men and women alike, that did such a safe, professional job. You made us all proud. This was cool to witness.
Disclaimer: I take absolutely zero credit for any of these fine photos. I picked them off the VAF forum site and do not have proper references to cite, although some are watermarked.


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