Ron's RV7 Aircraft Factory

Welcome to my personal blog. This site was created as an informal description of my build progress in the construction of a Van's RV7 aircraft. A place where family/friends/builders/curiosity seekers can follow along. It is not intended to be a detailed description of every step in the building process as that would be much too time consuming. There are plenty of sites that do a great job in that arena, that is not my intention with this site. My intention is for this to be a philisophical/motivational/inspirational account of the emotional ups and downs of the life changing journey...and it will change your life. I hope this will give you an idea, through my eyes, of what its like to make this transformation. A note to other builders, I am not an expert so do not put your safety at risk by attempting anything you see on this site until you have done your own research, or send me an email so we can discuss it. Any deviations from the plans are not approved, nor endorsed by Van's Aircraft or myself. Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Big Winner! HOBBS 2260.0 hrs

Well, I attended my first LOE fly-in over the weekend. Although the turnout, especially people flying in, was low (about 100 people) because of the weather, it was a good time nonetheless. We did a brewery tour on Saturday which was fun, looked over some fine RV's...talked flying and airplanes. What's not to love? Saturday night was the banquet and charity raffle. The generosity from the group was nice to be part of. Even with the low turnout, we raised $6100 cash...pretty cool. I ended up buying five raffle tickets and sure enough, came away a winner! I won two RV8 leather stick boots from CAD valued at $267.
What really made my night was, I wanted to win the $500 off a paint job coupon from GLO Customs in Dallas, which I didn't. This is the premier RV paint shop in the U.S. and was already leaning toward using them for my paint job. I wandered over and asked the winner if he wanted to part with his coupon and he graciously said, "$50 and its yours". I was impressed with his generosity...he could've easily said $250 and I would've still walked away happy! I tried to get him to up the price but he wouldn't....very cool.
Obviously the stick boots aren't useful to me, but I did find an interested party and sold them for the same whopping $ know, to cover my costs. ;) I figured, anyone who was at the banquet also made their donation to charity so I didn't try to make any money off the transaction. Of course, I also wanted to 'pay it forward.' I realize I wasn't as generous as my guy was, but hey, it was nice to break even...sorta.

High fiving Sean Blair, with Caroline Zilik and the gang cheering me on. Our table did quite well, as we had multiple winning tickets in our small section.

Renegades flying a missing man formation for Russ and Carol Kamtz, who tragically lost their lives in their RV7A last month in Wyoming. Russ was co-chair of this event and the event was in honor of them. (Disclaimer: All photos were taken by the LOE photographer...not myself)

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