Highlights included getting to see the brand new Airbus 380 and 'White Knight Two', the launch aircraft for 'Spaceship One' which is the civilian space vehicle. We also attended the comedian/ventriloquist Jeff Dunham show the last night we were there at theatre in the woods, he was quite good and the place was jam packed. Estimates put the crowd at 10,000+. The weather was cooler than previous trips I have made with daytime temps only in the mid to upper 70's and getting downright chilly at night. I actually enjoyed the cooler temps most of the time but I do wish I would have brought a sweatshirt or light jacket for the evenings. Our first full day was a day of almost non-stop rain...we had rain gear and did our best not to let it slow us down but by the end of the day, I was worn out by it. Thankfully the next day was gorgeous so all was forgotten. Other than that one day, the weather was pretty good. They had a little better food this year, we ate at a new place called the 'Vintage Cafe' a couple of times. I actually had a pretty darn good steak dinner there one night. And low and behold, finally some alcohol was served. After 6:00 they also served beer and wine. We shared a botttle of wine one night, which was also pretty tasty.
It was a nice pause to attend Oshkosh, definitely stoked the fire to return home and pound those rivets!! I cant wait until the day I can fly my plane there, wow, that'll be quite amazing. Each time I saw one of the RV's take off and depart the area, I told Samira, a little piece of my heart goes with each one as I wish it was me up there. Being on the ground at Oshkosh is torture for someone who longs for the sky!
Samira did great and we shared a lot of laughs over the course of 5 days, bless her heart she never complained once...when time after time (in the rain no doubt!) I said lets go look at this airplane or lets go browse through this aviation hardware tent. Hats off to her for being such a trooper!! :) I will have to do something nice for her for putting up with my aviation obsession.
Ultralights flying directly over our camp every morning and evening, cool stuff!
Our 'home' for five days...
If I were ever lucky enough to have two airplanes, this would be my second steed! CubCrafters Super Sport Cub. Hey, a guy can dream cant he?
Statues near the museum.
A Salem, OR based RV, my birthplace...very pretty plane!
The Van's tent...
My first trip to the seaplane base, very pretty area.
My first choice for an engine, the 210hp IO-390. Sure is purdy!
An award winning RV7 on floats, very nicely done...and it was for sale!
Posing for a pic at the new entrance...
The famous 'brown arch'...
Self portrait in camp, having a bottle of wine
Two beauties....aaaaw
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